- 2024-09-08 The joy of a simple life without financial pressure
- 2024-08-23 SmolPHP: a lightweight PHP framework for the SmolWeb
- 2024-08-22 Finding flow in code: how to stay focused and productive
- 2024-08-04 Integrating diverse text formats into modern browsers
- 2024-07-19 Neo-Brutalism: a perfect fit for Smolweb sites
- 2024-07-17 The importance of following Smolweb guidelines
- 2024-07-06 To let AI scan or not: the dilemma of data exploitation and ethical contribution
- 2024-06-20 How Smolweb principles can foster more authentic online connections
- 2024-06-16 Redefining JavaScript usage on the SmolWeb
- 2024-06-12 Ban AI-generated mail: more simplicity in professional communication
- 2024-05-20 Why Smolweb is good for the Internet
- 2024-05-19 Vim is magic with sftp url
- 2024-04-17 The IndieWeb Concept
- 2024-04-17 Blogging anonymously
- 2024-04-14 Planting potatoes: my first step into low-tech living
- 2024-04-12 Choosing between smolweb and gemini: advantages and drawbacks
- 2024-04-11 Easily build a website with Markdown files on pages.casa hosting platform
- 2024-04-11 Embracing SmolWeb development