Adële's smolweb site

Rethinking monetization for Internet publishers


The internet is often perceived as a vast, free resource where information flows without cost. However, behind every well-researched article, in-depth analysis, or thoughtful blog post, there is a writer or a team of creators dedicating hours, sometimes even their entire livelihoods, to producing valuable content. For independent publishers and journalists, sustaining this effort requires a reliable source of income. Without it, many would be forced to abandon their work, leading to a decline in diverse, high-quality content on the web. [...]

SQLite: a simple database for smol projects


Working on small (or smol) projects often calls for something light and reliable. That's where SQLite comes in. Instead of juggling a heavy client-server setup, it all fits neatly into a single file. There's no extra daemon to run, no complicated configuration to maintain, just a clean, tidy solution that travels easily. [...]

Setting up a new mail server


Setting up a new mail server can be a daunting task, filled with technical hurdles and configuration nuances. Recently, I decided to take on this challenge to better manage my emails and enhance security. Here's how I navigated the process and the steps I found most effective. This is not a detailed procedure, you can find many on the internet, this is just the way I've done it. [...]

XMPP: the forgotten gem of Instant Messaging


Instant messaging is dominated by mainstream apps today, each with their own ecosystems, closed protocols, and business models based on data collection and user engagement. In this landscape, XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) might seem like a relic, yet it offers a powerful, open, and privacy-respecting alternative that deserves more recognition. Despite its versatility and potential, XMPP has struggled to gain the popularity it deserves. Here, we'll explore why XMPP hasn't reached widespread adoption, why it remains relevant, and how it might be the best option for those seeking a flexible, secure, and open-source messaging tool. [...]

HTML for people: a simple and human-friendly approach to web development


In my ongoing exploration of accessible and user-friendly web development, I recently stumbled upon a gem that I think is worth sharing: HTML for People. [...]

Mindful coding


We often find ourselves glued to our screens, eyes fixed on lines of code, minds racing to solve the next problem. But this constant hustle can take a toll on our well-being, leading to fatigue and burnout. That's where mindful coding comes into play—a practice that encourages us to be fully present and engaged with our work, fostering both focus and a healthier relationship with our craft. [...]
